Mattel Disney Pixar Cars: Online World Coming …


I had this bookmarked, mis-filed it and just found it again – this is the original quote alluded to in the Toy Fair press release:

HIGHLIGHTING in BOLD my additions …

“Disney Eyes More Online Investment

The Walt Disney Co. will invest more in online games and virtual worlds following the success of sites with themes based on Disney Fairies and “Pirates of the Caribbean.”

In 2008, the company will launch an online game site based on the Disney/Pixar film “Cars,” Disney President and CEO Robert Iger said Nov. 29 during the Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Long View Conference.

In August, Disney acquired Club Penguin, a virtual world site with more than 700,000 paid subscribers.

Disney is going to invest “substantially” in these types of sites over the next few years because of their potential and fitting in with the rise of the home computer as an entertainment medium, Iger said.

The sites are also helpful in growing and maintaining interest in Disney film franchises, Iger said.

For instance in the absence of a sequel for “Cars” or while waiting for a sequel, the new virtual world site based on the film will continue to make the characters and setting relevant and in front of millions of people around the world, Iger said.

“You can live with and act with Lightning McQueen for years to come,” Iger added.

I call Mac iCar!

Who will you be?


From the San Fernanado Business Journal (registration required so I clipped the entire article BTW).


Filed under Advertising, Computing, Film, Financial, Internet, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Media, Retail, Toys, video

16 responses to “Mattel Disney Pixar Cars: Online World Coming …

  1. I Call King…. 🙂

    I think its a great idea but hope that they also come up with some tv-show or something like that.

    You would think the creative minds of disney/pixar could create some nice little episodes around all the different Radiator Springs inhabitants.

    OT: Metroxing, thanks for keeping this excellent site. It is keeping me informed for about a year now and I am checking it almost daily.

    In the Netherlands it is very hard to get some info about what is going on. I have called with Mattel a couple of times for some info but everytime it turned that I know 3 times as much as the Mattel hotline lady…

  2. Harry B

    I call Yeti the Abominable Snowplow

  3. Ghost

    Cool… I call Ghost!!!

    I can’t wait to sign up after VMK said they were closing down… 😦

  4. Kirllan

    This had better be better or as good as VMK because a lot of people are very mad about the closing and were told that in effect the new online games were going to be better. As long as after 3 years they don’t decide that it is a useless medium and close it down I am all for it.

  5. Tiggerdude

    I HOPE it’s better! VMK was great… I’ve been on VMK since beta. And when this game opens, I hope it’s 3-D like Toontown and Pirates! BTW, I call Speedsonic! Wow… my VMK character’s name fits my car’s name perfectly. 😉

  6. BigBud

    I hope it’s good too! Oh, I call LighteningRed

  7. Lightning Storm McQueen

    Since the sequel isn’t due out until 2012 this might be a good substitute until then.
    And yeah, I call Lightning Storm McQueen

  8. Lightning Green Tea

    I going to call my car Lightning Green Tea So dont Give your car that name because…………I CALLED LIGHTNING GREEN TEA!

  9. jackdaddy2008

    I call ……………………..


  10. Marcus R

    I CALL

  11. Carlos

    I call Sidewall Shine #74

  12. Carlos

    Or Clutch Aid #121

  13. Drago

    I Call DRAGO… it was my vmk name….

  14. Monica

    If this thing ever happens, I call Lil’ Torquey.

  15. Adrian

    Well ive got to call “Screamin Banshee” for my son Maxx, i bit the bullet and have bought one from the U.S. for him !

  16. Slamina

    I call… umm I’m not sure yet but it’s something everyone will be jealous of 🙂

    Anyhow I’m really excited for this game!

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