Mattel Disney Pixar CARS: Motor Speedway of the South Sneak Peek

Yes, we are are edging closer to an actual release date for the Motor Speedway of the South set with REAL evidence of the set. The “Sneak Peek” photos are up at the Hot Wheels Collectors Club (in the Red Line Club Sneak Peek section). Only PC users can see the photos so they are provided here before you sign up – info on how to join are in our post link at the end.



As we only in the ‘sneak peek’ phase of the sale.

For those unfamiliar with the normal process for the Red Line Club. During the year, Mattel sells 10-15 exclusive cars (or sets) to Red Line Club members. Often, they will put up ‘sneak peek’ photos (not always) but then about 11-12 days out will announce when the item will be available for purchase and start a countdown counter.

As of right now, there is an exclusive ’67 Ford Mustang with a countdown counter that ticks to zero on April 29th so what does that tell us about when the Motor Speedway of the South will go on sale?

We can do an additional process of elimination. Since there is a Hot Wheels car on sale to members on the 29th of April, and there is almost always 10 days from the announcement of “what’s new & exclusive” to the day of the actual sale process – the earliest the set will go on sale is probably May 13, 2008.

Mattel almost always lists the start time on a Tuesday and the 13th is a Tuesday.

So on May 3rd or May 4th, the official announcement, the price and the countdown clock should go up … IF the on-sale date is the 13th.

The subsequent Tuesdays are May 20th and May 28th.

It would highly unlikely to stretch into June as the “sneak peeks” rarely if ever go up more than 2-3 weeks out before the official price & release date announcement. (They also mention ‘time to go racing in May.’)

And it’s not likely to be the 6th, the first Tuesday in May since that sort of crowds/clouds the preview & selling period of the current car (the 2008 RLC™ sELECTIONs™ ’67 Ford Mustang) – every once in a while though, the cars offered will overlap, not likely but possible.

And no, we don’t know if there are any exclusives AND of course, they will not announce if the CARS will be available in another configuration or when.

The only real mini-surprise is that they are not on cards but that makes sense, it makes for a nicer display and it saves Mattel money – since some of the Piston Cup racers barely make it on screen and Mattel can apparently only use ‘official’ artwork rendered by Pixar (for instance, their Rollin’ Bowlin’ Mater card featured regular Mater), there would be a lot more work on their part to come up with card art for all 36 racers.

Any other questions – presumably, they’ve been answered in our recent & older posts so good luck everyone!

(the link shows photos & names of each CAR but the sneak peek from Mattel also included some more officially shots of the Piston Cup racers)

All Photos © Mattel Inc, Mattel RLC Club & Disney/Pixar.

By the way, for international customers – in an older post of ours, we have some suggestions on getting a US pre-paid credit card (scroll down to middle of post). Now, I have NOT tested this out for the Mattel Red Line Club purchases so I am not saying it’s 100% guaranteed but it’s a suggestion you can test out or try if you’re interested in trying to avoid eBay. Good luck

ALSO NOTE: To sign up for the Red Line Club, you must FIRST be a member of the Hot Wheels Club (which is free) so sign up in the HWC first – then click on SHOP and add a Red Line Club membership to your cart.

Un-boxing UPDATE POST here.



Filed under Advertising, Apple, CARS, collecting, Film, Marketing, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Media, Retail, Toys, TV

88 responses to “Mattel Disney Pixar CARS: Motor Speedway of the South Sneak Peek

  1. Harry B

    Wow! Imagine how much that’ll cost. It’l be like $100

  2. Bill

    The estimates are between $250.00 and $300.00 per set.

  3. Monica

    I am totally salivating over it. I am going to sign up for the rl club RIGHT NOW!

  4. Sarah

    If you look at the RLC Sneak Peaks you’ll see another car is to be released in early May. It is a ’65 Mustang from the HWC Series Seven Real Riders series. No release date listed (it only says early May) but my guess is first the ’67 Mustang (the one with the countdown already), then the ’65 Mustang, then the Speedway of the South set the end of May. If you click on the picture of the set it says it will be released in May with more info to come…
    By the way I did notice that the cars Hotwheels has released online as RLC exclusives are all from the poster that comes with the membership. First was the membership car, then the Drag Bus, and last week was the Fire Chief. The last 2 are the Mustangs.
    The sale for the ’67 Mustang is listed as starting 29 April ending 5 May. If the car sells out before the 5th they could start the countdown for the ’65 Mustang earlier to fill the time gap. I think your earlier prediction of 20 May is more accurate but if neither of those cars sell out and run for the entire selling period the Speedway of the South may not go on sale until 27 May. I seem to remember that the Drag Bus sold out the first day but the Fire Chief did not sell out.
    Even though we don’t know the exact date or price yet at least we can all go to bed tonight knowing we can finally buy the set next month!

    (MET: Yea, the wild card is that on occasion, when the sell window is open, Mattel might start a new countdown but I’m sure 80% of the people at mattel have no idea what’s coming in two weeks 🙂 … though good observation on the poster, I barely looked at mine … and yea, you’re right – bottom line is it’s coming).

  5. megaheat2008

    wow if u check out our friends site my earlier destination hmmm the plinths for the sots our on board I took notice but could not figure it in but yes its exact to the sets dimensions and yep I predict May 26 sale oh just a revving gut feeling thats all but you rock metroxing, and I appreciate your work as do my kids we thankyou !!!!

    (MET: Well, I can’t take much credit now but if you score a set, I’ll take credit then 🙂 …)

  6. Pingback: Mattel Pixar Disney Cars: Motor Speedway of the South Non-News Update (Now With Date Prediction :-) ) « TWO A DAY

  7. Paulo Castanho

    Brutal…. Too bad that is only available to United States.

    That is one of those things that a “fanatic” for Pixar Cars must have 😉

  8. jackdaddy2008

    I am based in the uk.

    It sucks that we can’t buy this.

    I am willing to pay someone 50% of the sets cost to basically buy a set, list it on ebay, and sell me it for the price it costs. I will pay all ebay and paypal fees too. Shipping would need to be insured, I will pay for that also.

    Someone must be up for that?

    I am writing to Mattel and complaining, this is surely racial discrimination.

    They are basically making sure that only Americans can complete a set at a realisitic price.

    Not on at all!

    Our money is just as good, and when you consider all the to and frowing on ebay and shipping we Brits/Europeans have paid, an average British/European Collector must pay 50 – 75% more for their collection than Americans do.

    We didn’t get Walmart exclusives, easter egg releases, halloween releases, holiday releases, we don’t have Target and have stupid foreign languages printed on most of our supercharged cars. All our major retailers order pitiful ammounts of Cars in meaning there has probably only been a couple of hundred Anime Chukis in the UK!

    Then they do this, it should be the opposite!

    Reward the ones who spend the most Mattel!

    I am very angry.

    36 CARS at normal on a card shelf value is £102. I think these will sell for more than that.

    I think $250 – $300 people!

    Remember these have not been released, and have not been confirmed as being released!

    I am looking into the prepaid credit card route, but it still involves getting someone to handle my cars and be trusted to actually send them!

    My offer stands, please help us before he screaming starts!

    Mattel and Disney are evil.

  9. Mike

    AWESOME!!! I can’t wait for this but HAVE to know…do you have to sign up for this RLC to get this set? Does that cost anything? I want to make sure I get this set and don’t know what it will take to be eligible…

    (MET: If you follow the above links – there are answers)

  10. jackdaddy2008

    This just occurred to me.

    Theres something fishy about this Speedway of the south set.

    This is different from the factory set in that these have not been released yet, the factory set cars had already been and only included 2 unreleased cars!

    I will still pay 50% – 100% over the odds for one though, just in case, but I am not going to be shocked if they appear on regular shelves!

    Is this just a ploy to get you signed in to hot wheels to take your future cars business away from retailers and ebay?

    It would certainly cut out the middle man and their profit margin?

    Think about it, Cars 2 diecast vehicles, only available on Hot wheels dot com!

    Do I have a point?

    (MET: I moved all your comments to this post – the 2006 Factory Set? That came out in October 2007 – that was 27 of the 1.5 wave CARS including the MM’s up until the end of 2006 so 27 CARS total – including two packaging versions available nowhere else: A Crusin’ McQueen & Rollin’ Bowlin’ Mater on Desert Art cards and of course, a giant red box.

    Is it highly unlikely Mattel will make 1,000-2,000 Mood Springs or Spare-O-Mint and call it a day – YES, VERY, VERY UNLIKELY. McFarlane or a Japanese company – maybe, Mattel? Very unlikely to be that limited. However, even if Mattel announces that everything will be re-released, that means nothing until it actually happen (just look at all the ‘missing’ 2008 CARS).

    It’s also unlikely that all CARS will move to unless sales drop precariously so that the big three retailers won’t carry it anymore. Mattel makes much more money shipping 1+ million CARS per month to these retailers AND it’s way less work. Shipping a pallet of merchandise is about the same overhead as hiring a fulfillment company to put ONE car in a box. So, while Mattel will undoubtedly have “special” & exclusive CARS on the RL Club, for 2008, it won’t be a big deal but 2010? Maybe …).

  11. jackdaddy2008

    Yep, great points, I meant 2007, not 2006, I just bought one, very pleased.

    I think we all agree that when it really comes to it, no serious collector relies on the ‘big three’ (I assume you refer to Walmart, Target & Toys r us) for the harder to get cars.

    I know I don’t.

    We phone a ‘CARS’ contact/friend, email some people or buy on ebay.
    More serious collectors resort to buying cases and sell the ones they don’t need on to others, this is no revelation.

    You are absolutley right with the shipping thing, and that will continue on the principle you mentioned that babies who grow into toddlers and then young children see the movie and want the cars.

    However, there is obviously the gap in the market for collectors!

    That is where the hot wheels site will come.

    I think the speedway set maybe a deliberate frustration release in that the numbers released simply wont meet demand. People will realise by Christmas that they can’t get it and that ‘Red line Club’ members could.

    What will happen??????????

    Mass sign up!

    Its happening now, but I think it will get bigger.

    Think about it.

    Mattel continue to ship cars that aren’t scrambled for as usual, but every month, release newer more collectable ones exclusively on the ‘hot wheels site’. $5 cars aren’t worth it, but $15 – $50 and upwards, probably are. It would n’t cost that much to pay a chinese worker to mail us a car! No shipping cost, no middle man, factory floor to your door!

    This is a test market and upsell of their direct site rolled into one.

    I am convinced that this is what is going on.

    It stinks that only Americans get a look in with the set though, it has basically eliminated the rest of the world from having a fair chance of completing their collection, unless………….. its a false dawn.


  12. I agree that the price would be more than $100. Hopefully the local Toysrus in Malaysia does import this, as I cannot imagine the shipping charge for this large box over the Pacific.

  13. jackdaddy2008




    (MET: You can also let Mattel know directly how you feel. Here are the US & Int’l contact phone numbers & addresses. The HWC club has an email address ( and a comments/complaint forum thread).

  14. Thanks Met, but I don’t think our 2 cents would make any difference.

    Anyway its good now to have an email address for the complaint. You know Mattel does not listen to us most of the time (so they do not have email for user’s feedbacks/complaints).

    I did complain via one of the Mattel charity channels (opps) on the mis-alligned helicopter and some other Cars-related stuffs. The person-in-charge was kind enough to forward my email to Cars department, what no news after that, not even “Thank you for your feedback” bla bla bla..

    Let’s see this time would there be any difference.

    (MET: Yea, I’ll bet the Mattel operator has no idea what you’re talking about – when people have called about the Motor Speedway set, they think you’re asking about the SPIRAL SPEEDWAY with the mini-like CARS … so good luck in your quest!)

  15. jackdaddy2008

    My good friend is a partner at a commercial law firm.

    He specialises in contractual law, trading standards and product dissemination.

    We have just discussed this set at length, and heres what he had to say.

    “The only way legal action on the grounds of discrimination, preferential treatment or stealth pricing could be progressed, is in relation to the claim ‘collect them all’.

    This by the manufacturers own admission advertises and promoted the notion that the Cars are designed deliberately to be collected, therefore demonstrating an acceptance by Mattel, that people collect the product. There is legislation in place to protect consumers in this area, depending on all circumstances which I cannot comment on further at this time.

    It is however definitely unfair to advertise this claim, when a large part of the established and attracted buying market (arguably the largest – Europe, Canada, South America, Australasia, Africa, and others) are unable to do this due to deliberate Market separation.

    However, if the Motor Speedway of the South set does not have the slogan (‘collect them all’) and Mattel commit to releasing the cars inside the set individually, then there is probably no grounds for a claim.

    The packaging is a small grey area, but the likely result if a court or arbitrator became involved would be a public apology.

    If the packaging does say collect them all, then there is a case for discrimination and preferential treatment, maybe even an allegation of stealth pricing, which is taken very seriously by people like the British, EU and American treasuries who have a huge impact on the Global design of legislation and rule breaking prevention. There is potentially a huge tax complication of a global scale in regard to this set, again, if the box states – ‘collect them all’.

    I would need to see an actual released set before consulting further.”




  16. Kieran, UK

    I’d just like to say I think you are doing a fantastic job keeping those of us addicted to getting hold of these little pieces of metal (either for our sons or ourselves, possibly both) informed.
    I’m based in the UK, and hugely frustrated by the second-class citizen effect when it comes to the release of Cars, but it’s great to hear about all the new stuff coming to market anyway. And when I finally get hold of those Cars for my son, it makes it that much sweeter….
    Keep up the great work!

    (MET: Thanks and good luck!)

  17. jackdaddy2008

    Absolutely, although possibly a post to shame me due to my negative rants, or knock me off the front page, I have never said different, as highlighted in my introductory post.

    This is a brilliant site, but fact of the matter is, MATTEL are ripping us off.

    Childrens emotions are being tested and played with here, and this is becoming ridiculously expensive.

    If the purchase of this speedway set goes through as I expect, it will probably cost me £350. Thats nearly £10 for a car, some of which I have already bought in various packaging.


    (MET: “Jack,” I have no problem with any feelings you have towards Mattel – as long as you don’t repeat the posts 🙂 though you should consider letting them know how you feel – yes, it’s unlikely you’ll affect any major change on their part but hey, who knows).

  18. Sarah

    After reading what jackdaddy2008 has had to say about “Collect them all” I took a look at the cards I have.
    WOC cards say “Collect CARS Characters by Number!”
    Mini Adventure cards say “Collect Mini Adventures vehicles!”
    MM WOC cards say “Available at a showroom near you!”
    I have 4 different cards that say “Collect them all!”; a desert card, a SC card, a WM card, and a gift pack card. I took the slogan to mean collect all the Cars shown on this particular card with this particular assortment of Cars. The SC cards and now the WOC cards have a different assortment showing on the back of every card. And looking at the pictures on this post of the Speedway set I don’t see that it says “Collect them all”. In fact if you buy the Speedway set you would have essentially collected them all because they all came in the same box.
    Why doesn’t Hotwheels ship outside the US? I don’t know; maybe they don’t want to deal with customs. For those of us that are military we find it frustrating when a company won’t ship to an APO or FPO address (if you’re stationed overseas you’re given an APO or FPO address b/c the US mail service is still handling your mail all they way to you even though it’s in another country).
    I think Mattel will still release all the race cars in one form or another; single, MM, gift packs.
    jackdaddy2008 I hope you can find someone stateside that will let you use their address so you can buy a set yourself.

  19. jackdaddy2008

    As you can probably tell, I am very annoyed by this.

    Its a beautiful set.

    I am annoyed because they basically designed their purchasing system so that you have to be American to buy it at their price, anyone else (at least half their buying market) – tough s@*t!

    Thats whats getting me.

    An American who makes half an effort will get this for the price it goes on the site at, probably $150 – $250 dollars.

    I am looking at paying double that, and why?

    I am not American.

    That is wrong, very, very wrong.

    I wouldn’t trust anyone I don’t know to send me this, unless there was an ebay transaction with insured priority mail shipping in place (I can advise anyone interested in doing this, how to do it, I have 692 feedback).

    It is grossly unfair and has already lost Mattel one very valuable customer for the merchandise on Cars 2.

    (MET: Jack, you have every right to be annoyed – other than some er, j***a** collectors here in the US (aka greedy ebayers), 99.8% of us can think of no real good reason why it’s not offered in Europe or anywhere else … it’s not even manufactured in the US so while it’s a slightly greater distance from HK to the EU, it’s at most a few days longer by ship … no real good reason … but Mattel is the only one who’s making the decision here – maybe they just think EU doesn’t care all that much – maybe you can start some online petition to show mattel there is definite interest? They are offering the Blu Ray McQueen in Italy …)

  20. James

    I think if there was a big enough market for it they would offer membership to other countries. I never gave much thought to it until reading these posts that ppl from other countries would be that interested in our movies or toys. Seems like most other countries hate the US for one reason or another anyway. Having to pay a little premium to get this one set of cars doesnt seem like such a big deal when I go to the gas pump and am paying almost $4.00 per gallon for gas because it comes from another country!! There will be plenty of ppl on ebay selling these (yes im one of those GREEDY EBAYERs…lol with 3 RLC memberships, and will have 3 Speedway sets) So keep an eye out on ebay first and second week of April and im sure you wont have a problem finding this set!! People are still selling the 2006 Factory set of Cars on there. Also I remember last year when the Simpsons movie came out and they had the little figures at Burger King for like dollar each and we got the special GOLDEN Homer!! Then I look on ebay and people from other countries have a complete set that is all GOLD and they were charging like $60-100 for a set of like 18 it think way more then double! Finding alot of these cars isnt always that easy even for Americans! I dont know how many times I have pay double or more for a car I could never find at the store. Only to find it one day at walmart for 3 bucks!!! I am more annoyed that they only made like 50 Red Rangsburg McQueens how is anyone supposed to get one of those?? Also I just remembered right before Christmas some guy in the UK had all of these cars listed on ebay in separate auctions and they were not the customized versions, he woulnt tell me where he got them from but from what i can remember none of them went for much less then $100 so at those prices this set would cost $2,600!! I had already seen the pics on this site from the comicon convention so i knew they were to eventually be released so didnt even try to bid on those, but would never had won anyway I would never pay that much for a car. Anyone in the US wanting this car better be ready the exact minute they go up because I dont see this one lasting very long no matter how high the price is set, and logging in to make the purchase will take some time to when they are flooded with people checking out all at once like that. GOOD LUCK to everyone trying to get it!

  21. jackdaddy2008

    I am sorry James, but I am a little offended by your comments?

    A little premium?

    What like 100%?

    Is that a little premium is it?

    So if you went to your gas station tomorrow and they were charging double because you have a different credit card and address than the guy in front, you would be cool with it because……..

    “its just a little premium man!”.

    I don’t hate Americans, and like most Brits, (MET: PORTION COMMENT DELETED)

    You also have also made the classic sterotypical American slur –

    “..interested in OUR movies or toys….”

    Pixars creative team is largely made up of and international team, and is by no means an American group of artists.

    Disney is an international company.

    There is a Disneyland in Paris.

    I am fairly certain that Cars came out in the cinemas here, the same day it came out in the states.

    Walt Disney was European, Austrian or German I think.

    Every piece of merchandise apart from Target exclusives, and seasonal specials has been on sale in UK stores.

    The merchandise is not made in America.

    We drive cars in the uk.

    You seem to be a little arrogant and condescending like I am getting upset over nothing!

    We are talking at least $150 of an extra expense here! Which on top of everything we have spent already, and obviously what we have to keep buying because we have such a big collection, adds up to a hell of a lot.

    Your reference to Rangsburg is irrelevant, its a completely different entity all together.

    They didn’t make this available to the public, and those who do sell them, (which wont be for a long time yet), will get $5,000 minimum for one.

    They are the pinnacle of the collection and ethos behind it, chances of ever getting one are remoter than buying gas from a gas station on pluto.


    I will not be buying a speedway set from you Mr. Greedy ebayer. I probably will have to get one on ebay, but not one of yours. So well done, if you had responded differently, you could have had a guaranteed buyer before the set even comes out.

    This is a joke.

  22. Sarah

    jackdaddy2008 I’m offended by your all your Hitler comments. You have every right to be upset but you don’t have to resort to name-calling. I had sympathy for you in the beginning but now you just sound whiney.
    And like James I too find it interesting that a movie set in the American southwest has such popularity outside the States. God Bless America!

  23. jackdaddy2008

    Your not the ones who have to pay over the odds and take risks to continue a collection that up until now has been available universally.

    I have been to America and have no problem with Americans in general, I had a great time, and think a lot of what happens there should happen here.


  24. James

    Sara let me start by saying thanks for serving our country in the military! I wish that everyone could come home from Iraq today!!! Although I dont agree with the reasons we are there, and esp. how long we have been there. I do FULLY support our troops that are there risking their lives everyday.

    After reading this guys last post I wasnt going to respond to it. Maybe they dont teach it in their history books or whatever so that everyone over there can remember who saved England from the Nazis. If it werent for the US there wouldnt be an England today.

    The purpose of the RLC is to give Collectors a chance to get true Collector items. Items that are limited in numbers and that are higher quality then the everday hot wheel. So it would defeat the purpose to open the club up to unlimited amount of customers, and for sure they wouldnt start opening day of membership and allow the whole world to start joining it and end up with a bunch of Americans not being able to join since they are an American company, and Americans are the main consumers of all of thier products.

    About them being made in other countries, I dont see how that would entitle them to having access to our limited products. I dont think we should be sending ANY of our work to other countries. I would be all for a law that says if its not made in America then it cant be sold here!!

    USA USA USA!!!

  25. jackdaddy2008

    I am not anti America, but I am anti a lot of what your government does.

    I am also Scottish not English, and live in Scotland not England.

    I haven’t once questioned or insulted the military personnel who risk/risked their lives for a regime with a hidden agenda.

    Any accusation that I have is nothing other than slander.


    However, you have mad one very valid point –

    “The purpose of the RLC is to give Collectors a chance to get true Collector items.”

    My issue with this is the consignment to America only. You cannot buy it anywhere else, thats wrong.

    You would feel the same.

  26. James

    Anyway I dont see why you guys are worried I am sure these cars will all be released in double packs or maybe the ones with the launcher or something like that. It just dont make sense that they would miss out on selling them wherever they can. Plus if you look on ebay right now they do have an English McQueen he looks like the Shagar from the Austin Powers movie…very cute. Anyway I was just bustin ur balls a lil jackdaddy, I didnt think you would go all whatever and start callin us Nazis (just proves my point about what everyone thinks about us poor Americans)…haters

    Im just thankful I live here in the USA where I can get my Speedway of the South set next month!!! WOOOHOOO!!! They look soooo coool i cant wait!!! Tach o Mint, Apple, and the case is even cool looking!! Wont be much left to add after these. Elvis and the RV’s will be nice. They will probably be done releasing about a month before Cars 2 comes out!! 2012 according to IMDB.

  27. jackdaddy2008


    (MET: Man, I go to Costco for two hours and everything spirals into a black hole … I respect everyone has an opinion but this is NOT the place for speechifying about anything and everything. We are a little corner of the park devoted to fun & entertainment. You are free to complain long & hard about anything DIRECTLY related to CARS or any topic we bring up. There are other forums and places to discuss governments, history and politics – no name calling also … thanks).

  28. Noel

    I am so there the second they go on sale. One of the perks of working at home. I did the same thing with the 2006 Factory Sealed Set.

    The strange thing is the 2006 FSS was going for $20-25 over normal price for the first few weeks, then they all but went away. Now you can’t get one for less than $400.

    (MET: You’re right Noel … I think most people who bought the factory set to sell has given up on selling it at a price they wanted and they’ve probably forgotten it and haven’t checked eBay recently – it’s now sitting in some comic/toy shop at $299 …)

  29. jackdaddy2008

    I just got one for $350 free shipping, its great. I might buy another one.

    What was the original cost of a Factory set Noel?

    I hope that its the same thing with the Speedway set on ebay, but I don’t think it will be.

    The major difference is these are mostly new cars, not many have been released as single carded releases. All except 2 of the Factory set had been. Plus the set looks amazing and if we are lucky to get one, will probably be displayed somewhere in the house.

  30. jackdaddy2008

    I haven’t been guilty of name calling!

    (MET: It doesn’t just apply to you – it’s a general overall rule that is for everyone – just a reminder for everyone).

  31. Noel

    The original 2006 FSS went for $149.00 plus shipping. I think it was around $172.00 total.

    I also heard someone paid $140+ just for the Rollin Bowlin Mater from the set and it’s on a regular Mater Desert card.

    I bought a sealed 30 car desert card case (99PG)way back when they first started producing these. Since there were only 16 cars at the time, every case came with a complete set and a bunch of extra Maters and LM’s.

    You can pretty much count on the first SOS set on eBay to set the price. I’m still thinking they will go for around $225-250 on the HWC site when they announce them.

  32. Noel

    One more thing, I just renewed my HWC membership and went to the RLC page. I noticed there is no mention of a limited number of sets anywhere. They made it a point with the 2006 FSS to let people know it was limited to 500 sets.

    This is good news as it should keep secondary market prices down, then again, there are 15,000 Blu-Ray LM’s and they are still going for $40 each.

    (MET: Well, they haven’t officially announced the sale date & price yet – so until then we’ll know for certain how limited but everything else on the site is limited … the guess is 1,000 to 2,000 – enough to satisfy most people willing to pay but not enough to encourage people to get in asap to buy).

  33. jackdaddy2008

    Noel, if you are willing to list a membership on ebay, I will buy it for you to use to get me a set.

    Once you have done that, we can talk about a price for the actual set. I am quite happy to pay you the actual cost plus 50% of the actual cost for yourself, I will also pay all the ebay fees and paypal fees your efforts incur. I would also pay for insured priority mail with track and trace. This means you would get a set for yourself half price.

    Let me know what you think, my ebay id is the same as this one – jackdaddy2008.

    By the way, I just sold a Kinder egg Disney cars collection on ebay today. Its basically 12 eggs with the toys inside, and has all the papers in mint condition. It sold for £24 ($48), pretty good eh?

  34. Sarah

    I’m so glad we all hugged and made up!
    Peace has been restored to the world of Cars. 🙂
    I’m in my happy place.

    PS Thank you James for your kind words; Army Strong.

  35. jackdaddy2008

    I didn’t realise we had fallen out.

    I was offended by comments made by James.

    I have some views on our world, and thought they were relevant, but obviously not.

    If anyone wants to buy me a set, my is basically I will but you half a set.

    I will buy a membership for you to use, pay all your ebay/paypal fees, pay for the set and give you the cost of half a set for your troubles. I would need it listed on ebay properly and for it to be sent with US priority track and trace, which I will obviously pay for too.

    I think thats a good offer for a a guaranteed pre sale?

    Someone said memberships are sold out or something though?

    Maybe Mattel should make more?

    Nah too complicated.

  36. jackdaddy2008

    After finally working out a way to get a set………


  37. Noel

    What do you mean jackdaddy? I registered last night.

  38. Hey jackdaddy,

    Click on my name at the top of this post and go to the contact page on my website. Send me an email so I can reply to you.

    (MET: I don’t believe emails are visible except to the admin? If so, you can email me at metroxing (at) and I’ll pass the email along).

  39. jackdaddy2008

    I got registered!

    It honestly wasn’t working earlier, just kept refreshing itself?

  40. Noel

    Hi Met,

    If you click on my name above that post, it takes you to my website. He can then go to the contact page and email me directly if he wants.

  41. Noel

    From the clues they give you, it looks like they will go on sale Memorial Day, which is the 26th. They give you a clue about race day in May, which is the Indy 500.

    Since they always have thier RLC 24 hour windows on Monday mornings, this would make sense.

  42. jackdaddy2008

    Thanks Noel

  43. Noel

    The funny thing is none of the members at HWC consider the Pixar cars to even be Hot Wheels and could care less about collecting them other than to make a buck on eBay.

    They are a strange bunch over there. I also noticed Mattel just keeps repainting that WV drag bus over and over and calling it a special edition or a RLC exclusive.

    Most of the “true” Hot Wheels have wheels that are too small or wide, bad paint jobs, and generally look cheap. I think the Pixar Cars line is way better.

    I could have bought the 2007 Factory Sealed Hot Wheels set for $450 or whatever they were selling it for and turned it around on eBay for a profit but I would rather see a collector who really wants a set for themselves get thier hands on one.

    These guys all want the Speedway set just to make a buck and post about how stupid they are.

  44. Noel

    I just checked an eBay auction for the set I mentioned, it will easily be over $700 by the time the auction is over. I’ll post a link to the auction when it’s finished.

    I think I may start buying every big expensive RLC set and selling them. I’ll give the money to my daughters to put in the bank. The only one’s I wont sell are the Pixar sets.

    (MET: I believe Mattel has rules against pre-selling RLC items …).

  45. jackdaddy2008

    I got a factory set for £175 ($350).

    I don’t think the speedways will be that high.

    (MET: Pricing have definitely crept up … during the first month of eBay sales after its release, they mostly sold in the $200 range which is not much of a profit ($149 + shipping + tax) which might’ve scared off some sellers but clearly after 6 months, it has edged up to the $375-$400 range … of course, there aren’t that many on sale now and for European buyers, it’s a different pricing dynamic so we might see some downward pressure on its pricing as sellers get info that prices are edging up).

  46. Noel

    Who had posted the picture of the five full sets of 36 cars in the little baggies sittong on a coffee table and why havent those made thier way to eBay yet?

    (MET: The couple did sell those on eBay last year but I think completed that particular auction offline as not to annoy Mattel further … I believe they were all in the $400-$500 range).

  47. Monica

    Guess now we know for sure the SOS won’t be on sale the 13th eh? It’s looking more and more like it will be the 26th. Ah well, more time for me to decide whether to get 2 more RLC memberships.

    (MET: I still think the 20th as most likely since the 26th is Memorial Day holiday and people might be thinking about other things … plus most people will have their economic stimulus refund 🙂 … so backtracking? The final countdown begins & price might be up by this Friday … I may actually get up early to check …).

  48. Monica

    Good Point. Plus the last car (the black Mustang) that had a countdown had it’s RLC exclusive sale yesterday right? Goodness, I forgot about the 26th being Memorial Day, I would totally be screwed since I will be out of town and staying with an Aunt with dial-up, aaaaaaahhhhhh! I’ll have to research nearby wifi spots and bring the laptop.

    (MET: The Black Mustang had the shortest countdown in a long time, like 5 days … I thik the MSoS set will go back to the normal 12 days …).

  49. Noel


    I guessed the 26th based simply on the clue they posted on the HWC website. Being stuck with dial-up on the day the go on sale would completely suck.

    Most McDonalds have free WiFi these days. Chances are you could snag an unsecured wireless signal in the neighborhood. One time, my service went out so I jumped in the car and drove around the nearest subdivision. I found at least a dozen networks I could connect to.

    I don’t think they will sell out in a couple hours like the 2006 Factory Sealed Set.

    (MET: Well, you will get 10-12 days countdown to the day it actually goes on sale so you can plan accordingly … and not trying to be an alarmist, it took 4 hours to sell out of the Factory set and while it was a smaller run (500 sets, 498ish to be exact) and presumably cheaper, its main appeal to “average” collectors was its 2-card variants but this set has 24 CARS hardly anyone has (outside of legal channels 🙂 ) … so while its price will be higher, I can’t imagine it lasting more than 3 hours … so you don’t have to jump on immediately but I wouldn’t dawdle …).

  50. Noel

    I’ll be there when the countdown hits 0.

    The flash timer graphic changes to read “Buy Now” automatically as soon as it hits 0, you just need to be logged in, which I did about an hour ahead of time.

    I had to have been one the first ten people as I got through checkout in less than 20 seconds and clicked the button to purchase the FSS about .5 seconds after it appeared. 🙂

    I really wanted that set.

    (MET: Noel was also kind enough to send us the great unpacking photos so we could all get a vicarious thrill 🙂 … I was unable to convince him to open the sealed box and then open all the CARS blisters and kick-pile them together for a giant jumble photo 🙂 … for some reason, he “lost” that email … 🙂 )

  51. jackdaddy2008


    “I really wnated that set”

    Brilliant Noel, like you had to add that to let us know!

    If you get a spare one, I will buy it from you mate, I need a few other things too, but I seem to have lost your email, can you email again?

  52. CarsMama

    I just ordered an RLC membership so that I can get the SOS set when it comes. But when I try to look at anything in the RLC only section it tells me it’s for members only and to sign in. I’m already signed in so I’m confused. Do I have to wait for my package to come in the mail for the membership to be validated? Is there some sort of code or something that needs to be entered? Help! I want to make sure I have everything in line when the time comes.

    (MET: It’s pretty much instant so it’s probably just your cache, either empty it or quit and re-launch your browser – that should work … let us know if it doesn’t).

  53. CarsMama

    Nevermind. I got it. 🙂 OOOOOh! I’m so excited! I was debating whether to do it or not, but now that I’m all signed up I’m so glad I did. Thanks for the speedy reply.

  54. Sarah

    The Hot Wheels website calendar is listing a “Key Event! HWC Online Sale” for 20 May-21 May. It doesn’t list the Speedway Set, just says more info to come. I think this might be the big day we’ve all been waiting for.

    (MET: If I’m right, I’m a genius … do they give out Nobels for guessing when a toy car might go on sale? 🙂 … plus the Batmobile is going on sale Tuesday the 13th so that leaves the 20th open … yea, if we could only place a bet somewhere … 🙂 )

  55. GeorgeHP


    Can’t wait for the SOS!

    Anyone out there form CA, bayarea?

    I’m Looking for a “blu ray” L.M.

  56. BrianD

    Hot Wheels / RLC put up the Batmobile for May 13 sale date and a one week window to order. They will be made to order. I would estimate that the Speedway of the South set will be May 27th or June 3rd at the earliest. I’ll try and keep you posted!


  57. BrianD

    TO George HP – I am not in California, but I do have a BluRay to part with. email me at


  58. Monica

    Bummer. Stinkin’ Batmobile!

    Well, the sneak peek for the SOS said Race Day is in May, so perhaps the 27th?

    Why am I so obsessed with this?

  59. Sarah

    Hot Wheels Sneak Peeks now says 20 May is the day for the set. I second the motion for you to get a Nobel, or some other super cool award.

  60. carlos

    i am a member of hotwheelcollectors (free) but not a member of rlc (24.99). how do i become of a member of the rlc? and do i need to be to buy the speedway of the south set?

    (MET: Yes, you will need to become a member of the RL Club. Log in with your HWC name – then click on SHOP and add the RLC membership to your cart, etc, etc … the car you get this is year is very nice. If you collect zero HW’s – you should have no trouble selling it).

  61. Matt

    Sarah is right, I just checked with the RL membership sign-on, and the Answer says: May 20!!!

    MET – what is the time that it will go on sale. Is it 9:00 am Pacific time? Also, it looks like you purchase through the Hot Wheels Store, and not specifically through the members site.. correct.

    (MET: Yes, it’s almost always 9:00 AM PST. Sign in. Go to SHOP (tab on top row). Until we get the countdown, we won’t know for certain how many you can buy (you can buy 4 Batmobiles per membership) but it will most likely be ONE … but they will tell you – any other number gets rejected at checkout. Good luck!)

  62. jackdaddy2008

    May the 20th – Extort the UK day!

  63. Noel

    If you are going to enroll at the RLC, on some browsers like IE7, you will get a popup that says you didn’t agree to the terms, even though they never showed up.

    Make sure your pop up blocker is disabled or you will be extremely frustrated.

  64. Jay

    Does any one know the price?

  65. Chris

    Price hasn’t been released. It seems like everything is pointing to around $300.

  66. steve12345789

    I have managed to acquire one of these.
    Would anyone like to see photos?

    The base of the box is clear perspex. It’s a great box.
    The cars themselves are inside 3 smaller boxes secured to the underside of the top. they are not visible unless you open the main box itself.
    It’s big, heavy and a sight for sore eyes!

    (MET: Sure, Nine-Digit Steve 😉 … you can either email it to us at metroxing (at) or if you want to post it, I’ll put up a link – thanks – and if there’s anything else you want to add, I’ll update our post).

  67. steve12345789

    On closer inspection, the 3 boxes I mentioned in the last post are for support only.
    There is another box, quite separate from the display box, that contains all the cars. It is only selotaped at the ends, and would be quite easy to open without detracting from the value of the set. There are no security tabs etc.

  68. Monica

    Steve are you saying that is does not look like the photos in the HWC preview?

  69. steve12345789

    If I could post some photos it would makes things so much easier. I can’t see any way of mailing the moderator of this site to ask him.

    Anyway, it comes in a big carboard box with Mattel logo an the usual purple banding, weighing in at 16kg. The ends are sealed with bog standard selotape.
    Inside the box are 2 boxes, some packaging and tissue paper.
    The first box is the Speedway of the South box itself, as shown in the pictures above. It is sealed with circular tabs, but contains no cars, only 3 cardboard fillers to support it, and display plinth area. The base is made of clear perspex about 4mm thick. I have not opened this.
    The second box is a long, flattish cardboard box, sealed with selotape, in which there are the cars themselevs. They sit in 2 moulded plastic trays and are individually bagged. These bags are not sealed. There is also a packet of ties whaich can be used to secure the cars to the proper box.

    In other words, it’s a kind of self assembly job.

    Now it may be that I have not got the official release, or some kind of one off prototype. But I don’t think so. It looks pretty official to me.


    (MET: Our email is metroxing (at)

  70. Nancy

    We’re in the countdown to the SOS but I haven’t found a time that the sale starts. What are the chances the site will be so busy not everyone can get in to buy a set?

  71. Monica

    So we are in the “countdown” unofficially, but still no official countdown with on-sale time and price etc? What’s going on? It’s actually giving me anxiety. Those Mattel guys really know how to mess with me.

    (MET: Generally, there is a countdown before it goes on sale – maybe tomorrow? Maybe Mattel figures this set will sell itself so no countdown is needed? They have already announced the CAR on sale on the 26th and so 20th is the day – if we don’t get an official countdown in the next dew days, I think we can just presume it’s just going to go on sale the 20th … but 20th is the day 9 AM PT and 12 noon ET (US) … regardless if there is a countdown or not).

  72. Matt

    I am not trying to be a conspiracy theorist or anything, but it seems really odd that there has not been a price release or countdown timer for this set despite the fact that they have confirmation that 5/20/08 is the day. Wondering if Mattel is trying to drum up more sales through their regular RL Club members who are anti-Cars. Have looked through some of the message boards on, and have seen estimates by their members that they think the price point is at $100.00, and most saying that they won’t even sniff if it is over that amount. I think they will be in for a big surprise……. Here’s to hoping that you can pick up more than one at check-out. If so, we all need to make sure that JackDaddy gets a set…..

    (MET: What you’re saying has merit – a huge majority of HW Collectors think Mattel is wasting time on anything non HW’s and of course think of CARS as some kids movie … so you’re right – it is very plausible Mattel is not offering a countdown because they don’t really want a flashing countdown up in right corner of the HOT WHEELS COLLECTORS CLUB for a non-HW’s item – only encouraging negative comments …).

  73. Matt

    Carsmomma – I cannot find your last post to me with respect to MM – Towcap and Gaspirin that had your email. I saw it when I was busy, and told myself I would come back. I actually found the Towcaps at TRU site before it was posted here, and purchased before I saw that you had an extra. However, you never know with TRU if you will get it until it comes in the mail. If it doesn’t, and I get an out of stock message, I will post again. When the new boxes come out, I will buy at least one extra for you, and either take back to the store, or trade with someone here for what they need. I hope that we can all work together here to get people the cars they need without the scalping we see on ebay. So, if I can help, I will do. I am just hoping that my name stays on the list for the ComicCon LM. I will be forever greatful for those of you who can make it, and pick some up for those of us sho are less fortunate.

  74. Monica

    Well, I will be delighted if I can buy more than one. I decided against getting more than one membership (even though I think it would be fun for my boys) but I would really like to get two sets. One for the boys to play with, one for Mommy’s collection.

    As an aside, I was laughing to myself as I was checking out some of the posts on the HWC collectors message boards. Some of them were upset about people stalking stores for the HW “treasure hunts” then buying them all up to sell (on ebay and otherwise). Maybe we (CARS collectors) are not as different from them as they might think.

  75. Sarah

    According to Administrator HWC Chris more info will be available Thursday, also saying he believes it’s one set per RLC membership.
    The Batmobile that is currently for sale started its countdown the Friday before it was available. They seem to have done that several times this year instead of having the 10-12 day countdown. Hopefully today we get more info. If the countdown started already wouldn’t we all wind up just staring at it watching every second tick away?

  76. CarsMama

    Hey Matt – my email address is Shoot me an note sometime so I will have yours too. That way we can work together on our cars hunting.
    I’m anxiously awaiting a countdown – mostly just so I can know the price and the quantity per membership. Hopefully we will know today!!

  77. Rebecca

    Just a reminder if ayone is still missing the Red Mia and Tia currently has some in stock…

    Here is the website:

  78. Philip

    If anyone [jackdaddy?] needs help in getting the set. LMK, I am sure we could work something out.
    Respond here and I will email you, I would also provide proof from my 1171 ebay rating w/100% positive that I am reliable.
    Just trying to help out.
    Sorry if this isn’t appropriate forum for this.

  79. jackdaddy2008

    Phil, I am reluctant to print my email on this forum, but if you ask me a question through ebay, my id is jackdaddy2008

    I will then email my address and we can talk.

    A couple of other people have kindly offered to help too.

    It will depend on events on the day though won’t it?

    I don’t mind people making a little commission, they are working for it after all, but this 100% minimum mark up is off putting. The shipping for the revised amount isn’t too bad, the original amount stated was horrific.

  80. Jay

    I am also in the U.K

    Can anyone just say what they would want including the set, shipping & your commission


  81. Philip

    The set is $315 roughly.
    Add fifty plus Paypal fees.

  82. Philip

    …and of course the actual shipping cost to you

  83. jackdaddy2008

    I will go for that Phil.

    Email me please.

  84. Philip

    Well jackdaddy is getting one,
    anyone else need one?

  85. jackdaddy2008

    I love you phil.

    Jack will be so happy.

    How cool is my wee baby man? He wqas talking about the set on Sunday sitting on me knee in my office.

    “I won’t play with it, its an ornament for my window daddy”.

    I hope this is all ok.

  86. Philip

    Gee jackdaddy,
    love is such a strong emotion, LOL
    Got your one and picked up one other if anyone needs it.

  87. Kieran, UK

    Once again, you have done us proud. Based on your advice on how it works, I bought my RLC membership a few weeks ago, and have just placed my order for the Speedway of the South set through the HWC/RLC shop. My son is now getting a set (as soon as I have explained to our office in NY that they are getting a large box they need to ship to the UK!)
    Without you, wouldn’t have known about it, so thanks very much from all of us you have kept informed.
    Hope you get your set!

    (MET: Glad it worked out! Have fun!)

  88. David F Calello

    jackdaddy2008 smelled it early! Thank god that there’s people who will help. Mattel is no help, red line are idiots, and disney pixar has the balls to say that they provide QUALITY merchandise and entertainment for kid’s!!! I came into this late but here in the USA these greedy slobs are feeding on our kids wants and desires. All people in all countries should be afforded the same chance that these criminals got. That’s quality. Mattel and Disney feel that this marketing policy is OK. I myself cannot believe that. With toys as popular as these are, giving them to a select few is very FISHY, as jackdaddy2008 knew. I’ve asked them all to explain this ,and they send their stock”Have a nice day” bull—- answer. They will ignore the mass consumer and let a select few have at it. I’m glad that you got someone to help Jack, but I will boycott anything that this red line club has to offer. I feel everyone should think about what Mattel has done, what Disney has done and think twice before you buy merchandise from the red line collectors club. I want the set for my son too, but we can’t afford the prices that these vultures are asking. We will not be getting this set, and my son will never forget. This is so un-fair. Mr+Mrs David F Calello very pissed-off in Fords NJ

    (MET: You might want to contact them directly here or an update on what is coming).

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