Mattel Pixar Cars Checklist 2008: Cards, Sealed Boxes, 3-Packs & More

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90 responses to “Mattel Pixar Cars Checklist 2008: Cards, Sealed Boxes, 3-Packs & More

  1. Pingback: Mattel Pixar Cars Checklist: New Sealed Boxes (Holiday 2007 & 2008) « TWO A DAY

  2. Pingback: Mattel Pixar Cars Checklist: New Sealed Boxes (Holiday Season 2007 UPDATE) « TWO A DAY

  3. Harry B

    Another early comment for me MWAHAHAHAHA etc.

  4. Fainted after reading this news.. more cars to spend money on @-@

    Anyway, Thanks for the great news metroxing!

  5. Just checked the ebay and some of the 3 car gift packs are already available.

    For those ‘first-time-showup’ Cars in the gift pack (gold mia & tia, dirt track hudson etc), do you think Mattel will eventually release them in single pack?

    I don’t want to add more duplicate King or McQueen to my collection just to get those Cars. But who knows that’s the tactic Mattel would use to get rid of some unpopular old stocks?

    (METROXING: I’m just guessing of course but I suspect Mia & Tia will always be a multi-pack of some kind for the following reasons:

    a) Most people want both mia & Tia no matter the color.
    b) Splitting them as singles just makes less sales for Mattel as most non-completist will just buy one thinking they the “other” one is the same since the only real difference is their license plate.
    c) Packing will not be worth it when the only real difference is that their name on the license plate … it would be a lot of work to keep track of which is which for again, not more sales but possibly less.

    So, there’s no compelling reason to split them up. Dirt Track Doc Hudson … yea, I could see him as a single – possibly adding some dirt on his side panels … to sell us again … as for the Pace Car – as reader “croukie” pointed out first, the back tail lights are yellow (or they forgot to paint them) instead of red as in the WM shipment so if you’re a completist, this is a full fledged variant – and yes, Mattel might say ‘oops’ but they’re saying it with a smile).

  6. Pingback: Mattel Pixar Cars Checklist: It’s What to Collect (2008 Winter Update) « TWO A DAY

  7. It’s acceptable as Mia and Tia would be in double pack, as long as we are not ‘forced’ to get another duplicates. But you know sometimes its quite a dilemma whether to buy or not when the ‘new’ Car is released, as you’ll never know would it be out of stocks if you did not take any actions :p

    Talking about the oops, just now when browsing through the photos of the Toy Expo in you other post (or link here:, that Kori Turbowitz displayed has side mirrors! What a great mistake Mattel has made.. Better they issue a replacement ‘stickOn’ side mirrors for those who’ve purchased :p

    (METROXING: Well, I guess if you add up the $.02 of metal they saved per car times a million – it’s almost real money πŸ™‚ … and of course, who doesn’t think the next release of Kori will have mirrors?)

  8. Bill

    Metroxing. I think Mattel did a good thing by putting 2 of the new releases in the first case instead of just 1. I did notice that Pit Crew Sarge only has one in the first case. My problem is that I don’t particularly like the “New” sign on the cards so I wait until I can find the cards w/o “New” on them for my collections. Have you heard if Mattel is going to continue putting this on the first case releases? From what I have seen this is not necessary because this line has very informed buyers. I saw alot of grandparents Cars shopping before Christmas with very detailed shopping lists. Cars buyers know what is new. I thought the “New” would end with the WM exclusives. Just wondered what you have heard.
    Happy New Year!

    (METROXING: That’s an interesting point you bring up – when Pit Crew Guido is packed in a case 7 months from now, presumably, it won’t say NEW. I finally started going through my collection and checking the production dates and interestingly enough, many of the recent CARS that are available in NEW and blank versions were produced ON THE SAME DAY! So, if you’re cynical, you could say Mattel is purposely issuing them on both just to sell to completists since they know completists will buy both and as you pointed out for the general population, whether it says NEW or now is probably not meaningful to anyone these days – so my opinion is that Mattel will continue the dual versions because if nothing else, in 7 months from now, idiots like me … er, completists like me will buy it again just to have the card that is “blank.”).

  9. Pingback: Mattel Pixar Cars Checklist Buying Info & News : All Our Posts « TWO A DAY

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  11. Steven

    Hello, just wanted to share some info. In the Blu-ray car finder game, the orange bootcamp SUV is named Murphy and the pink SUV is named Frank “Pinky” Pinkerton.

    (METROXING: Cool, thanks, I’ll update the 3-pack listing!)

  12. Pingback: Mattel Disney Pixar Cars Complete Checklist: FREE « TWO A DAY


    Stopped by my local Target (Lombard, IL) and picked up the first 3 3 packs. I like the Lightning Ramone, but it kind of seems like a cheap attempt of repackaging or repainting some old peg warmers.

    They also had a bunch of the new Mini. The kids wanted to buy a couple, but I resisted!


  14. startug

    Also, with the 3-packs, can someone scan the back of it so I can see it?

    (METROXING: I’m still waiting for my box – thought it was coming today but as soon as I get it, we will update our CARD BACK post. I hae seen one, it looks vaguely like the WM ones or Target holiday exclusives – sparse with just a few CARS on the back grouped together).

  15. Bryon1966

    I just bought a movie moments with Flo and Ramome and Flo has the Ferrari wheels on the front and the regular wheel on the back. Ramone looks the same. Does anyone know about this, it is a mistake, it has never been opened.

    (METROXING: Yup πŸ™‚ )

  16. Danny

    While viewing screenshots of the Blu-Ray Car Finders List ( ), I noticed 2 mistakes in the lists above.
    -Cora Copter was changed to Kathy Copter when in fact, it should have been Cora Copper (Page 2 0f 13).
    -Dexter Hover is in fact Dexter Hoover and he is the flag-waving pick-up truck at the race (Page 1 of 13).

    (METROXING: Thanks for the updates! Will update our list ASAP. I was thinking Mattel was over-doing it with the helicopters and everyone will want the ‘flag man.” Thanks!)

  17. Danny

    No problem…I don’t want to spread rumors, but there is no way for me to confirm this one…I read somewhere that Dexter Hoover will have different color flags (checkered, white, red, yellow, green) for different stores (WM, TRU, Target, etc..)

    Also, I’m pretty sure the Timothy that will be released will be Timothy Twostroke

    (METROXING: Um, I kind of started that rumor about the flag guy, I was just having a little cynical fun in how Mattel could annoy us – I hope they didn’t read what I wrote πŸ™‚ ).

  18. Pingback: Mattel Disney Pixar Cars: E Box & Other Factory Sealed Cases CHANGES « TWO A DAY

  19. Sarah

    I found the new gift pack with Dirt Track Doc Hudson today but decided not to buy it because it bugs me that they didn’t make him dirty. Dirt Track McQueen is dirty on the bottom and so are the 2 cars that come in the Mini Adventures Dirt Track playset. It’s not worth it to me to spend $9.99 on one “new” car since I don’t think they did it correctly; all Mattel did was change the tires. It needs to be dirty too! Maybe if they put it on a single card I’ll think about it. I did pick up the pack with Flo and Lightning Ramone (and yet another LMQ). Why do you suppose they made Flo in 2 pieces? Somehow the first one we bought was stepped on so now my son says she’s sleeping because the roof is pushed in. By the way like you I think the Mini Adventures Cars and playsets are awesome. Thanks for always putting out great info; keep up the good work!

    (METROXING: Others have mentioned that about Dirt Track Doc not being very dirt-y … I guess when mattel fixes Andretti’s rim colors, they can fix that … I have not looked that close at Flo’s but she is a lot of metal with the cool giant fins – perhaps that’s the reason …)

  20. brian

    Wow!! my son is gonna go nuts. looking forward to all the new ones.

  21. Danny G

    I am in the uk, and cant get any of these cars, does anyone want to work together and send them here direct and make some money as I have loads of friends and family that want me at if you are interested as it would be great to geth as we are normally 6 months behind you guys.

  22. TJ Hurlburt

    Love the site and great info. Around me in the Phoenix, AZ area, it seems that the employees of WM & Target get to the boxes and the newer stuff doesn’t show up intil they’ve had their fill. I’m working with the manager of a local KB and hopefully she’ll help. If they stay in business that is. Keep up the good work.

  23. Marcus R

    what about that little boy car with the toy fighter jet. he would be a gret cars toy !!!

  24. Joshua

    When to Walmart in Chicago area today and found Pt Crew Guido, Race Offical Tom.

  25. Pingback: Mattel Pixar Disney Cars Checklist: The Alpha List 2008 « TWO A DAY

  26. CarsMama

    First of all – thank you so much for your site! It is such a great source of information.
    We are in Omaha, NE and we are having the hardest time finding any new cars. I have a 5 year old son and the two of us have recently become obsessed with getting the whole collection. Since he is 5, they are all opened an well-loved. But he does want to have them ALL! We have hit all the WMs (6-7), Targets(4-5) & TRUs(2) in the area in the last week and the newest car we have found is Tom Race Official. Most of the time we leave empty handed. They have some of the new 3-Packs but I don’t see the point of buying 3 cars just to get the one that we don’t have. They also have the launchers and the minis but none of the individual cars are anywhere in site. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to go as soon as the doors open? Are the employees pilfering the good ones? Is it possible that we just haven’t gotten the new cases here? Any advice or insight you might have would be appreciated.

    (METROXING: You can check our “intro” post as a starter to figure out which is easier and which is tougher to find. As to your questions about the best buying strategy, it will actually vary from store to store – even if the stores are blocks from each other! Some stores are well stocked and employees/managers might actually look in the back to see if they have something while others might just glare at you. There are stores getting the latest box today – Box F as we speak, there are other stores getting Box A – believe it or not. That’s the craziness of this line, but after a while, you should be able to see which stores in your area tend to get stocked more quickly and correctly while others don’t care or simply have employees grabbing the best ones. So if you check the above post and the “What’s in Stores Now” post, both updated when new info arrives – that might help – good luck! πŸ™‚ )

  27. Brad

    Joshua or anyone else,

    has anyone in chicago area seen Box E (not chuck or tow truck) or gold mia/tia yet?

  28. Pingback: Mattel Disney Pixar Cars Checklist: Winter 2008 Major Changes & Where to Look for the NEW Ones … « TWO A DAY

  29. zadi3985

    i have what might be a dumb question: (bear with me, i’m new to “cars” collecting) are “Mini” and “Van” the names of the two lost tourists? if not, who are they? and whoever they are, have they been released yet? (i guess that’s three questions! sorry!)

    thanx for your help!!

    (METROXING: Yes, the two lost tourists are named “Mini” & “Van.” (screenshots within this post above) … originally scheduled for summer 2008 but changes are coming – presumably we’ll kow in two weeks (US Toyfair) – will update as we hear anything).

  30. Neil Cressall

    So all these new Piston cup racers are out in the States Now. Or arriving shortly. I am from the UK and would love to be able to import these extra’s direct from the source that many UK Ebayers are selling over here at. There looks like some 50 extra cars for me to get so would save a fair bit of cash if there was a company sending to the uk.

    (METROXING: The ‘leaked’ ones on eBay come from HK “Out the back door.” With the impending release of Tow Cap & Gasperin, that makes 12 Piston Cup Race cars officially released (our post is here). That leaves @23 or 24 Race cars not scheduled for release – though unoffically, they (along with the 12 Piston Cup racers already out) will be re-released in the “Speedway of the South” set).

  31. Pingback: Mattel Pixar Cars Checklist 2008: Cards, Sealed Boxes, 3-Packs & More « lilly1284 blog

  32. Nike

    hello ..i am from germany ..and its so great to find youre homepage… and i cant get any of this new cars too…. 😦 ..i worke at a german shopping mall and we get every time the same cars… i think i must wait a long time for an new one .. (sorry for my bad english.)
    nice site thank you bye Nicolle

    (METROXING: Well, if you need a shortcut, you can click on our friend’s at Children’s Toy Closet, they ship to Germany … πŸ™‚ ).

  33. Jon

    Hiya – I know that the original WM Pace Car was slightly different from Charlie Checker in the 3-packs, but now that Charlie Checker has been re-released in a WOC box which version do you get? Or is it a third variant?!


    (METROXING: I have yet to see the WOC Charlie Checker but if you’re a completist, you will have to buy him on a WOC card since well, just because he’s released on a card πŸ™‚ or 😦 but for openers or those who are only collecting one of everything, you then decide if you’re a completist when there’s a variant or you don’t think it’s significant enough.

    Piston Cup Pace Car – Red tail-lights

    Gift Pack
    Charlie Checker (renamed) – yellow tail-lights

    Charlie Checker – (any additional changes?)

  34. Pingback: Mattel Pixar Disney Cars Checklist: The Been Here-Done That List 2008 « TWO A DAY

  35. Dan

    I’m in the Seattle area. Fred Meyer stores have the Flo’s Cafe gift set on clearance and moved to the clearance area. I got it for the yellow Ramone and swapped in an extra Purple one I had and then gifted the whole thing.

    Obviously I am an opener and would appreciate a T-shirt at your cafepress store to represent as such.

    On the North side, Toys R Us is totally stocked with just about everything (Except the HARD to find) and tons of playsets. WM and Target here are pretty bare.

    (METROXING: Flo’s Cafe gift set – humm, don’t think I’ve heard or seen that – liek the JC Penney – Meet at Flo’s? An opener shirt, huh? Okay, let me think about it … out here in NorCal, if it wasn’t for WM, we’d be pretty empty … unless you count the TRU with 50 LIzzie’s and 50 Boosts and almost no other singles …).

  36. Robert from the Netherlands

    The WOC series finally made their way to the Netherlands in Europe. Great news! Apparently with the same old Cars as before like Sally WOC etc, but also some cars that are not listed in the US.
    I bought this morning a WOC Lizzie, a WOC Nitroade and a WOC Leakless.
    Shame Mattel did not send us the new ones like Tom, Tow and Dudley Spare. Just the old ones in a new package.

    Greetz from a freezing cold country

  37. Robert from the Netherlands

    By the way the numbers of the new ones:
    Leakless = nr 49
    Nitroade = nr 50
    Lizzie = nr 51


    (METROXING: You guys are holding out from joining the Euro club? (not that you should, just asking πŸ™‚ )

  38. Dan

    Yes, “Meet at Flo’s”, my error.

    Is “Bessey” (the asphaltic cement machine) only going to be available in the fold out Mack town play set or will she come out on her own?

    Also, I’ve tried to read all your wonderful posts on this subject so I don’t ask an idiotic question, BUT here goes…will there be an old Mater with a New Mater blue nose/hood? From the scene near the end of the movie.

    (METROXING: Thanks for updating that Flo’s – I was worried there I missed one πŸ™‚ … I know lots of people want Bessie in scale, I’m just guessing here but perhaps, Mattel might make Bessie a Hot Wheels Club exclusive or something – as to people not collecting CARS, they’d wonder why there’s a giant road paver for $19.99 or $24.99 but to us, we’d probably be willing to pay a little extra for one … and no, your question is not idiotic, I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t make it – it’s the perfect & cheap version to add on – call it Fishin’ Mater … all they’d have to do is add a blue hood to regular Mater and voila, another “NEW” CAR (with two different packaging cards πŸ™‚

  39. Jon

    What is the “Meet at Flo’s” set? You’ve got me guessing now!


    (METROXING: It was a box of 6 (RS McQueen, Sally, Sheriff, Doc, Yellow Ramone & Flo) – available only at JC Penney & Fred Meyer … nice for a catch up but not exactly essential).

  40. joshua

    Sported a 3pack MIA and Tia at TRU in melrose park Il

  41. OMG, Suki’s bonet is too long for a mini car..

  42. Dan,
    Currently Bessie is only available in the giant Mack set, which IMO not worth to buy just to get Bessie. Alternatively, I’ve got myself a loose Bessie from Ebay.

    What I am looking forward now is Frank (the shephard of tractor cows), which might be another out of scale diecast if ever being released

  43. Jon

    The WOC range has finally reached the UK. However, the boxes are covered in so many different languages that they do not give full names of the Car inside. For instance, “Cruising Lightning Mcqueen” just says “Lightning Mcqueen” and the European alternatives. Movie Moments do not even give any names! This is fine for those of us who know what they are hunting for, but for some who are just going round with a list given to them this is going to be very hard!

    There has been no indication that we will ever get the WM exclusives or 3-packs over here, does anyone else have any ideas?!


    (METROXING: Yea, I think the realized it would be cheaper just to bring one LM or Ramone card and let you sort through the 15 choices as to which one you want and hey, if you buy an extra … πŸ™‚ … the WM exclusives, you mean the last 8? A while back someone spotted them at Astra (sp?), I believe the chain WM owns? Since the first 3-packs hit around 12/30, you should be getting them soon).

  44. Robert from the Netherlands


    My opinion:
    Mattel takes all the leftovers from the US, put them in a new European box and send them to Europe. We only get the old ones like Lizzie and Sally. Wait for half a year, than the 3 packs will arrive.
    In the Netherlands you can buy hundreds of Buzz and Woody’s and Sully’s, but no Tia and Mia.
    For example: the newest MM over here is…yippie…luigi and guido ferrari style.
    It is not fair !

    Fortunately for us, the dollar is cheap today.

    Raining over here

    (METROXING: Yes, we do get new ones but the older ones linger just like you. We have a couple hundred Buzz & Woody’s also …)

  45. Jon

    I’m not convinced those 8 Wal-Mart exclusives are in Asda over here, I think it’s all speculation! There aren’t any Asdas close to me so it would involve a bit of a trip to even go and see for sure, or I could find some spies to hunt for me! And there’s no chance of us having the Target exclusive Minis because Target does not exist over here! You don’t know how good you have it!


    (METROXING: Well, they’re probably long gone … a couple British readers here made note of Asda – maybe back in December? Did a search but turned up nothing … so maybe I’m wrong … if you want the cards specifically on the older cards, they’re not easy to find – even in the US now but if you just want the CARS on WOC cards, Charlie Checker (though with yellow lights is out), Kori is coming, and summer time for the plane & blimp. Bruiser is coming with Chick Hicks in a Movie Moment … hope that helps).

  46. Jon

    Aha! So they will eventually be re-released and come out over here after all as WOC. And you said that TJ would be in an SUV 3-pack, so as long as we do get 3-packs over here that should cover them all! Great. It’s just a waiting game now!


  47. Pingback: Mattel Disney Pixar Cars: β€œMore Coming …” Toyfair 2008 Part II « TWO A DAY

  48. Bill

    THANKS for posting all of the Movie Moments cases!

  49. Jon

    Hello American friends! Does anyone want to make a deal?

    We can’t get Flo’s Cafe over here in England, and it costs a fortune on eBay. It seems like some of you are having trouble finding Dale Jr over there in USA. Well here he’s not that hard to get. If somebody could get me a Flo’s I could get you a Dale and I would pay you the extra so it would make a fair deal. I could pay using Paypal if you like. No one would make any profit, but we’d both get something we wanted. If Flo’s Cafe is hard to get then I am open to suggestions – perhaps the Easter Holiday Sarge/Fillmore Mini set? Or a Bruiser Bukowski?

    If anyone has any ideas or wants to suggest a deal then write here or email me

    Thanks! hope to hear from you!


  50. Juan

    Hello Jon

    The Flo’s Cafe Set is $30 at TRU. Then shipping international is probably $20-25.

    Flo’s Cafe was $15 the day after Thanksgiving and one other time during Christmas I believe, but not anymore. Not sure what the other playsets are now $20 and Flo’s is still $30.

    If you find Dale Jr. he is $3 at WM or you can get him for $10-12 w/shipping on Ebay.

    Just not sure how much you’ve seen Flo’s Cafe for on Ebay for.

    (METROXING: I think the shipping is always the problem … just plan a trip to the US … everything is on sale after the conversion rate πŸ™‚ Pick up a bunch of stuff to sell back home – the trip will pay for itself πŸ™‚ )

  51. When will Frank the combine come out?

    (METROXING: Nothing scheduled yet … you’ve read our Frank the Combine post?)

  52. Bill

    Who is CHUKI in the movie? I noticed the picture was named Chuki on the package but alot of the lists call it Anime Chuki. I believe “anime” means animated in Japanese. Is Chuki a name? Just curious.

    (METROXING: I think that was her name on screen in her brief on-screen appearance but apparently they are just going with Chuki which is “her” name but apparently also just means ‘small & cute” essentially in Japanese).

  53. Bill

    In the movie was Chuki the Japanese reporter when Lightning McQueen went missing and they were reporting it all over the world?

    (METROXING: Yes)

  54. Ooops

    You have got to be kidding me. What did I get myself into????

    I started buying 2 of everything, one for my 3 year old son and one for a collection I was building to give to him one day when he was old enough to appreciate it. We even started making special trips to find certain cars or to the local Toys-R-Us on delivery day but…

    Themed individual car packs, New 3 packs, changed cards, and Piston cup racers packs, pit launch packs, a new line of Mini Cars and more.

    Well, I officially withdraw my name from the so called β€œCars Collector” group. I would say I have a box with some Disney/Pixar “Cars” in it, and leave it at that. I am not willing to invest that much time, effort and money into collecting these damn things. I don’t expect anyone to care about my scenario especially the manufacturer as they are in it to make money and as longs as they are selling they will continue to roll them out but…
    …I do feel better knowing that I have voiced my opinion.

    Usually, the great thing about collecting is that there are a limited number of items with the possibility of a couple of collectors editions or special items. The “Cars” series is to vast with to many variations and is just to much for this first time wanna-be, just so happened to be “Cars”, collector whether by design or not.

    -Frustrated, used to be, “Cars” Collector

    (METROXING: 1977: Star Wars … 2006: Cars … as the musical CATS used to advertise, “Now and Forever.” … yea, I suspect if the rumors of the sequel are true for 2011, there will be ZERO break in the line … and if that movie is a success (humm, a Pixar animated film, what are the odds?) so tack on another 3 years of CAR sales to 2014* … on average 150 CARS a year … maybe another 1,400 CARS … clearly you are thinking too rationally … I suppose you put money in your savings and exercise also? πŸ™‚

    * By then CARS 3 can be ready)

  55. GourmetAnarchy

    @ Ooops

    I got into buying the cars for my kids around Xmas 06. I figured that I would get him one of each character and he would play with them and that would be it.

    Oh no…gotta have Cruisin, and Cactus and Tongue and all the other McQueen’s and all the Ramone’s and others too.

    I am still doing the one of each character, I don’t care about backgrounds on the cards or launchers, hell, I am not even buying the Mini’s because I have an 18 month old and another due 4/26, so the small toys that my other 2 kids already have will be put away again soon.

    He has most of what has come out so far. Only one I have put away is DE Jr. I have one open that’s mint on display and the one sealed.

    I should probably put together a list of the ones he needs.

  56. Does anyone know anything about a version of the pizza planet toyota pickup delivery truck being produced as a diecast?

    (METROXING: Nothing yet but since that Pizza Planet has appeared in EVERY Pixar movie so far …).

  57. Brush

    So did movie moments box ‘D’ come with a couple Dionoco Mia/Tia’s? I found a ton of them at TGT but no Flea/Flick.

  58. Kenny K

    This is a great site, without it I would of never known which cars are out there.
    Plus there is so much additonal information!
    Does anyone know if the single pack Charlie Checker comes standard with red or yellow tail lights? Today, in the store I noticed they had yellow, a few months ago I bought one with red tail lights. I did not open the package because I’m building more shelves.

    (METROXING: WM version – Red, WOC version – Yellow. I will update up wiith a variant post in the next few days).

  59. Will V

    I just began collecting the Cars (individuals and gift sets) from all 4 waves, back in January 2008; within two weeks, I had amassed at least 95 percent of all released. I went to ebay and got some of the wave 1 and 1.5 cars, including the mis-spelled “Fillmore”. Additionally was able to get the recalled “Sarge”.

    Unbelieveably, I found a “Fabulous Hudson Hornet” with silver painted rims ON THE SHELF at KB Toys, although someone had tried to steal it. (I think I got a dollar off the retail price).

    I will continue collecting them (I created a sheet to take to the store with me to cut down the number of dups that I purchase). All dups go into the closet to give to my son, the others are boxed up, although he (my son) knows where and what they are.

    (METROXING: Good luck! We have a spreadsheet up at EditGrid that has listings different ways depending on how you’re collecting).

  60. Chuck W

    Do you know if there is a “Frank the combine”
    out or will be available in the future.


    (METROXING: No official word yet, though if you want a wildly-out-of-scale Banshee, Mattel is releasing one for the MINI’s … )

  61. Bill in Simi

    Anyone looking for the Meet at Flo’s 7 Pack, they have them in-stock at Entertainment Earth

    Caution… Hide your credit card before going to Entertainment Earth, you’ll be less likely to buy everything.

  62. MarkUK

    Good link Bill.

    I browsed through the entries there and noticed four characters I don’t think I’ve seen mentioned before. Edwin Kranks, Leroy Traffik, Sally Cone (a new varient Sally?) and New Scale Fred. Does anyone know anything about these?

  63. Doug

    Found Gasprin and towcap, Mia and Tia, Flea and Flik, and Dale Jr. at Toys’R’Us the other day.

  64. Fred


    where do you live??

  65. Doug

    In Escondido, California

  66. Adrian

    I have read through many of the comments and replies on here and just wanted to put my three penneth in, O.K. here goes, For all of you collecting in the U.S. you lucky people !!!!
    I am in the U.K. and the last year of my life consists of visiting Tesco, Sainsburys, Toys r Us, Asda, Woolworths, Entertainer, Disney store, and several other shops not to mention E-Bay when i get home !!! I am on call as a plumber and in doing my job every day i drive around the county a lot so when a job has been done i stop off and search, this is the problem THERE ARE NO NEW CARS ANYWHERE IN ANY SHOPS IN GLOUCETERSHIRE !!!!! i can so relate with the posts from U.K. hunters ITS A JOKE !! The shops dont re-stock on any kind of regular basis !!
    I even had to get a copy of “Cars” on Blu-ray from America ! The joke was i didnt pay a thing for it ! How you may ask ?? Well the story starts with this very website when i heard of a Blu-ray Lightning, i wanted to get one for my son to have and put it in a case and display it on his shelf with other cars he has like models of my own car a 300zx twin turbo. He has as many of the disney “cars as we have been able to find and plays with them all (not a single one has been kept in the box) now back to the blu-ray, i saw them being sold on e-bay for $80-$250, a price which to be fair i was not really happy with, i contacted a seller and asked if he would give me a buy it now price, he came back at $80 plus shipping from U.S. i persuaded him to sell it for $80 all in on one condition, he gave me the blu-ray film he had used to get the with for $3.95 from Disney !!!! He did, the moral of the story, if you live in America Disney will provide all, if you live in England you wont get anything, no response from Disney store when you aske them if you can buy direct from them, all i was told is they knew nothing about a Blu-Ray lightning McQueen when you send away the tab from the film and i was to “Have a magical day” i dont think so, i really cannot put across how frustrating it is to not be able to get anything with “cars” stamped on it, we are not allowed the Little Tikes “Cars bed” because the licence has not been agreed for europe, i then asked for just a red bed and no pack of stickers that make the car look like “Lightning” and “they dont export the red bed to europe” it is such utter twoddle !!!! Just one last note, this website is a godsend for my son as we can see what cars are going to be released, it is a daily nightmare for me and my wife as we then have to try and come up with ways to find these cars, we purchased 9 new cars/vehicles today and i am writing this at 1am after 7 hours of internet searching, i am exhausted !! It wouldnt be so bad to drive up and down the country looking for these things if it wasnt for the fact that fuel costs $9.78 a gallon YES $9.78 !!! no typo here !!! Thanks for all your help, Cheers Adrian & Kelly

    (METROXING: You are definitely dedicated, clearly so much harder there … well, gas is about to hit $4 a gallon here on the west coast but with the pound conversion, that’s like stealing, right? I think the problem is that all the postal services have raised rates so much you have to ship by boat to the UK … especially if you want the bed … yea, if I could come up with a solution, I’d have a sideline business.)

  67. Adrian

    You are correct, IT IS LIKE STEALING at $4.00 a gallon, i used to live in pasedena, Figueroa Street to be exact, up in the hills and when i heard my dad had bought a 5 litre V8 i thought how would he ever pay for fuel but at the time it was $1.20 a gallon (it was the 80,s !!) Back to business, we have just got hold of the three pack with Lighning Ramone, Flo, and McQueen. for about $9.50 not bad considering a U.K. seller has it at $37.00 just for Ramone !! I urge european buyers to SHOP AROUND on E-Bay and do not be afraid to ask sellers if they combine shipping and if they have more than one of the car you,re looking for, this what we are doing and so far have had a little bit of success. We are not buying to get a full “untouched” set we are buying for our 4 year old son so i have bought a few cars not in blister packs which reduces price. We have just bought the curio shop from U.S. at a huge price of around $70 because NO-ONE is selling it here !! initially hint they would be selling them but now they say sorry out of stock and dont know when it will be back in. As i said before you cannot get anything in U.K. without constant vigil of the shops, a classic example was my wife went to Tesco after i made them give me the info as to when the boxes of cars were coming in, she went down on the sunday at 12pm and no cars on shelf, i went down to the same Tesco at 1.20pm and 60 cars on shelf, i think we managed to get ONE we didnt have but thet had been trashed by the time i got there !!! It just gets so annoying to ask customer services, do you have any more in the back, when is your next shipment, is it possible to send back the 90 Sally,s that are stuck on the shelf and put a few new ones up, could you let your staff know they are not allowed to purchase the cars BEFORE they go on the shelf !!! That sort of thing !!!!! As for the Little Tikes bed i have a solution and its called “Cilek” a company based in Turkey

    The bed is called Bi-Turbo and is incredible, it has its own remote key fob and real wheels !! so Little Tikes have lost out, i even said to them i would sell the ” Disney Cars” bed for them in the U.K. but they just couldnt be bothered so i sent them a link to this bed and told them how far superior it was !! Well off out now to work (and probably to look in every shop after.) Once again thanks for the low down on whats new, cheers, Adrian & Kelly.

    (METROXING: Thanks for all the good info!)

  68. Stanley

    You better check the contents for Movie Moments Case F more closely. I had my order in for this case, since it was said to contain Sarge and Filmore.

    However, when I checked this morning, the list was dramatically altered, and now includes so many of the old and common two-packs, it’s not even worth the shipping and handling costs.

    Gettin’ really sick and tired of Mattel and their mind games…….

  69. jackdaddy2008

    Mind games?

    Try extortion!

    The whole thing is dangerously close to destroying their Cars 2 merchandise as collectors items.

    I know for certain I will not be buying any of it as a collector. My son will get toys to play with if he wants them, but even he is starting to get pissed off with it.

    “Why has my car not arrived yet daddy?” is a comment that has been said in my household too many times!

    Maybe he won’t even bother.

    Mattel know there are loads of us with collections too large to stop, and are simply exploiting us in the worst possible way.

    Disgusting, especially the motor speedway set, that is just awful – see post.

  70. Terri

    Hey, I found disney cars on short cards at K-Mart. Did anyone know they were coming out on short cards. I was shocked. The packaging is really nice. I bought all they had which was about 8. They were mostly original cars but could not resist the card itself.

  71. sarah

    Hi, can you tell me when these are released? uk and USA thanks

  72. jackdaddy2008


    I don’t think the short cards will ever be released in the UK mate.

    Do you know about the Holiday, Easter and Halloween special exclusives that came out in America, but not the UK?

    Well the Easter (most recent) exclusives are exactly the same size of card as…………… ‘the short card’.

    I suspect that a packaging arm of Mattel based in the US has done a deal here, possibly WALMART, to help speed up the release of the newer cars to prevent interest dwindling and to calm consumer fears and frustrations.

    I also heard that quality control have stepped in at Asian plants due to too many ‘variants’ or mistake cars being shipped and released. While most of us like to collect them because they are cheeky and different, Disney frown upon it big time! It weakens the brand, something that is one of the “big big no no nos” at corporate level within Disney. They have sued people to death for this in the past.

    Disney and Mattel are not best buddies right now.

    Disney sort of unofficially threatened Mattel due a lack of care with their recent die cast releases.

    The threat – “sort it out or look, we will release our own die cast range for cars 2”.

    That still might happen anyway due to the popularity of this films merchandise. Sometimes Disney keep production to themselves, sometimes they don’t, depends if they have the people to do it to be honest.

    I hope not because because make nicer cars, but you never know!

    Short cards? For the completists out there, its more to buy, so they win, win, win.

    My advice (reliable or not!) is only buy them if they are genuinely new releases.

    I have said this before on different posts, but there is no point in collecting WOC cards if you have the same car on an original first wave, 16 back or supercharged card. THERE IS NO POINT! WOC will never be more valuable than the previous 3, unless it genuinely different. This applies to the short cards too!

    If you don’t have supercharged, first wave and 16 backs, then WOC & Short cards purchases are probably a sensible buy.

    I definitely WILL be buying a Lightning Ramone short card though, and I do hope that this is the norm about to happen, as they are nicer looking and easier to store.

  73. Sally

    i found this site during one of my many google searches for cars – me cousin adores them and i wanted to find a complete list.
    he has about 30 – and i thought i was spoiling him!
    thank you for the great information on this site, especially about the new releases
    im working on starting up a collection of my own, we’ll see how that goes haha
    thanks again

    (MET: Good luck and welcome to the craziness … Here’s our spreadsheet checklist).

  74. Stanley

    Hey Jackdaddy….where did you hear that stuff about Disney and Mattel having issues?

    I know Mattel has had some quality issues, but I didn’t know it was that bad…..

  75. Annie Mahan

    Hey peoples,

    I just want to know for me if ANYONE has a list of cars in the new order from 1. with the new number system to whatever number we are at now. If you do that would be soooooo helpful I just want one of all of them. One set for the cabinet and one for my soon to be kids to play with for posterity.

    (MET: Our EditGrid checklist is numbered but keep in mind, only about 50% of all the CARS release have been assigned a number AND the new short card Lane Mates versions do not have #’s assigned – We also have a visual checklist – Peeps Out).

  76. jackdaddy2008

    Stanley, change is afoot.

  77. nice job on all the my Disney/Pixar Cars product …………’ve got lot’s of insight as well.

    keep up the great work, go Cars 2!

    wait till you see my new Heman sculpts @ the con, I worked on the original line back in ’82


  78. jackdaddy2008


  79. Sarah

    A popsicle sounds great! πŸ™‚ The UPS tracking # has my SOS set coming tomorrow so I’m up for anything!

    (MET: It looks like you might be the first to get it – we’d love to see your unboxing photos!)

  80. juicepirate05

    maybe its because my three year old has made me watch this movie everyday for six months or maybe im just anal but there seems to be a few key cars totally absent. there are no green mia and tia, train, or dinoco showgirls. Mattel seems to be making every obscure car as well as every obscure variation of each car so it seems odd they would have forgotten these.

    (MET: Line is nowhere near done … just wait πŸ™‚ No one thought when the line was launched 2 years that we would get Leroy Mattress-on-Roof Dude πŸ™‚ )

  81. Charley 2

    Check out this link – Speedway of the South has made a debut…but in this Ebay listing it states that only 1,000 have been made??? I find that hard to believe…if that is the case, I will never get one…and check out how high the bid is! A mortgage payment worth!!!!

  82. Josh

    Picked up the new leak Less fork pitty, the back has the red chopper with name Kathy Copter and the new dino pity too.

  83. if you go to you’ll find a link that says: cars checklist. click on that and you will be in the cars checklist world! kathy copter,Petrol Pulaski the RPM pitty and Tar Lightning McQueen are comin out in mid JULY! can’t wait to by Petrol pulaski!

  84. also there is a giveaway coming soon on if you wanna win new cars! and prizes!

  85. BMW

    Met, it is time to revise this list of case contents again!
    Looks like the G Case of MM will not have Sarge and Fillmore because this case is not coming at all, the word is out that there will be no more cases for 2008 of MM
    Movie Moments F is the last case for 2008. Its out now. Tumbleweed McQueen and Doc is in F. There is nothing else new in F

    (MET: I’m still waiting for final confirmation but I did allude to it in the last update that times may be changin’ but until it’s 100% confirmed … and as noted, it might be an exclusive here on out but will it be exclusive packaging or exclusive CARS … but hopefully I’ll have an update soon).

  86. BMW

    The word is out that the Movie Moments
    F is the last case for 2008 and is available now.
    Time to revise this case listing again, Met.

  87. Benito - UK

    After “vinyl Toupe” last year I have just received #54 “Faux Wheel Drive” as the Mattel UK collectors car for 2008. I don’t think the 2008 giveaway has started yet and haven’t see any promostion yet, but as they ran out of stock last year they promised a free car to those who missed out. Not sure if this is available anywhere else other than in “Speedwayof the south”
    Car is supplied in clear plastic bag marked N9991 and car is stamped with 1308EA

    (MET: Thanks for the temp update, I’ll update the chart ASAP. Thanks. What’s the promo offer? If anyone in the UK is willing to trade? LS McQ SDCC for #54 … also send me artwork of the promotions? Like last year, a sticker on the cards? Thanks. Drop me an email – metroxing (at) – thanks!).

  88. Charley 2

    You can barely see any tar on Tar McQueen? I’m not even going to buy him. My kids have ten McQueen’s anyway, and he isn’t even their favorite character. I saw one little black splotch on him…I was expecting raised tar spots, kinda like the “fungus” looking cactus one. I was impressed with Van – he is pretty large considering Chuki was so tiny. I am disappointed though because Target’s price went up – $3.49 for a single car, up from $2.99.

    (MET: Tar McQ does have a new spoiler sticker).

  89. CAL

    What box is being distributed to the retailers now? I’m having a difficult time keeping up with everything. The last singles we purchased were Van at Target and Luke at Wal-Mart. We never have much luck at TRU here. I know Christmas is coming and the marketing strategy will be to start rolling out some new boxes…at least we hope so πŸ™‚ Thanks.

  90. Does anyone know of a complete numbered list with pictures of each of corresponding the cars? I started collecting them for my son when they first came out and I’m trying to associate the cars I have with the ones on your spreadsheet/checklist. Unfortunately, after having twins my memory is not what it used to be! Thanks for any guidance you can provide.

    Twins Mom

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